75th EAAP Annual Meeting

1/5 September 2024 - Florence, Italy


Other sponsors and exhibitors

At Illumina, our mission is to improve human health by unlocking the power of the genome. Our sequencing by synthesis chemistry is used to generate high-accuracy DNA and RNA sequence data in studies around the globe. Our microarrays also provide accurate, high-throughput genotyping for a range of applications. The innovative products that we provide touch almost every area of biology, including agriculture. Illumina offers a range of sequencing and microarray tools that support food security and conservation efforts. Knowing human health starts with an adequate and nutritious food supply and a safe and sustainable environment inspires us to push the boundaries of what is possible in genomics research and to drive innovation in agriculture.

Silvateam is a family owned Italian company celebrating this year 170 years of accurate selection and extraction of the best plant bioactive molecules. These molecules are naturally occurring in the plant kingdom and capable of delivering consistent and efficient results when applied into the commercial marketplace.

Sound environmental stewardship is a cornerstone of the Silvateam philosophy. The company prioritises sustainability throughout all its value chain, from the sourcing of raw materials to manufacturing operations and repurposing of by-products to minimise waste. Silvateam is particularly concerned with the conservation of the environment, being all its policies driven by the sustainable management of forests, with the aim to prevent deforestation and strengthen their role as primary forests with high productivity, maintaining biodiversity and a native ecosystem.

Silvateam con boast 8 business units, 4 manufacturing companies operating in Italy and South America, as well as several commercial branches covering the 5 continents toto serve more than 10,000 clients worldwide.

More than 20 years ago Silvateam’s launched Silvafeed®, the brand which offers all natural feeding solutions based on chestnut and quebracho tannins, saponins, polyphenols and pectins. These eco-designed additives and premixes can provide holistic solutions to target critical issues related to environmental footprint, nutrition, physiology and balance between performance and wellbeing.

MSD Animal Health rappresenta un punto di riferimento nel settore della salute globale: grazie alla nostra vasta gamma di farmaci, vaccini e tecnologia, miriamo infatti a promuovere sempre il benessere generale.

La nostra missione è chiara: prevenire, trattare e controllare le malattie di tutte le specie animali con un approccio One Health. Per questo ci impegniamo costantemente nella ricerca e nello sviluppo di nuove soluzioni: ponendo l’accento sulla prevenzione come pilastro fondamentale della nostra attività.

L’80% dei nostri prodotti è infatti dedicato alla prevenzione e, con un investimento del 25% del fatturato in Ricerca e Sviluppo, siamo in costante evoluzione.

Partendo da un solido bagaglio di conoscenze nel campo della salute umana creiamo prodotti che siano di successo per gli animali: questo approccio ci ha consentito negli anni di diventare leader nel mercato, offrendo soluzioni tecnologicamente avanzate.

Siamo per la salute di tutti, per la prevenzione, il benessere e la formazione. Dobbiamo percorrere insieme questa strada, collaborando tutti a un futuro migliore: sia per gli animali, per gli uomini che per il nostro pianeta. Perchè la salute è unica.

Since 1994, Tecnosens provides gas and environmental sensors to the most innovative players of the market, supplying sensors, standard and custom modules and measurement expertise for different applications.
Moreover, due to the high sensitivity and importance of the topic, Tecnosens works with Research institutes and Companies providing gas sensing solutions for Smart Agriculture field.
Ruminants breath measurement, environmental gas monitoring, climate control especially in farms and agriculture plants are essential to develop a sustainable future for our planet.

The research into a technology aimed at protecting the environment by using nature has led VetosEurope to create ANAVRIN®, a blend of essential oils, tannins and bioflovanoids, natural and nature-identical substances carefully selected to improve the ruminal function.

By keeping a stable ruminal environment by controlling the growth of bacteria, ANAVRIN® improves ruminants’ zoo-technical performance.

University studies and field studies have confirmed that ANAVRIN® can be a concrete solution for breeders to improve the performance of cattle.

According validation opinion recived by CARBONTRUST based on results from laboratory and on farm testing against a valid baseline, ANAVRIN® can reduce methane emissions in ruminant livestock.

Moonsyst provides Internet of Things (IOT) solutions for real-time monitoring of ruminants in-vivo. Our sensors (boluses) are capable of measuring core body temperature, activity, pH and/or ORP. The solution has been deployed in bovine (including calves), goats, sheep, buffalo and deer into over 30 animal research centres around the world.

Moonsyst are attending the EAAP congress in collaboration with the Munster Technology University (Ireland), who will present new use cases for the Moonsyst Smart Rumen Solution, such as Greenhouse Gas (GHG) monitoring from ruminants.

Please drop by our booth for a discussion and demonstration or email info@moonsyst.com